Partners In Profit

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(772) 675 3149

(716) 759 4429

Restaurant & Hospitality

Web Design & Updating

Your website should help your customers & potential customers easily contact you & find out what you have to offer them

Partners In Profit will help you:
Provide your customers the information they want
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Menus, Location & Contact Information, Special Events, Entertainment, Upcoming Events, Hours, Directions, Staff, Reservations, Pictures of your offerings and your facilities.

Keep your website content accurate & current
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OpenTable found that 86 percent of diners go online to browse a restaurant’s menu before going to the restaurant. Restaurant owners should ensure that their online information is as accurate as possible. Available menu items, prices and listed specials should be current. Having information that’s clearly out of date (such as still having St. Patrick’s Day specials on your webpage in October), will cause consumers to mistrust any other information they view on your website

Provide Customer Reviews
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Your website should contain reviews. Customer surveys consistently show that diners often first check reviews before going to a new restaurant. Partners In Profit will help you gather your good reviews & link to reviews found on Social Media & Online Review Sites

Update your website to be mobile friendly
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Websites that are up to date & look good to customers using mobile devices are considered “mobile friendly”.
Google, the largest web search engine rewards mobile friendly websites and penalizes those that are not. When searches are made on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets the search results that are from business that are not mobile friendly are listed after all the other businesses whose web listings are mobile friendly. Most potential customers only view the first few businesses listed in a search. If your website has not been updated to be mobile friendly, you are missing out on business to your competitors who are mobile friendly.
If your website is not Mobile friendly, Partners In Profit will update it to make it mobile friendly.

Make your website search engine friendly
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It is not enough just to have a visually “pretty” site. It needs to be designed to be seen properly by search engine “robots” that scour the internet to accurately return the information people are looking for when they perform a search. There are also ways to get to the top of search results by paying for it. Commonly called “pay per click” advertising.

Get the biggest bang for your marketing $$
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We make sure that your website, your emails, your social marketing and your review marketing efforts all work together properly to get you the greatest bang for your buck . Your digital marketing programs are important pieces in the  customer satisfaction puzzle. 

We want to meet & exceed your expectations !
Let us show you how
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  • View Our Services      716-759-4429
  • Email

    Email Marketing

    Email Marketing is perfect for communicating with your existing customers. Email allows you to communicate regularly with your existing customers, keeping your business fresh in their minds eye. You can use email to send out regular newsletters, promotions, coupons & event invitations.

    An Email Marketing program is only as good as the customer contact list and information it is based on. Partners In Profit helps you build a good list containing solid information. A good customer contact list is more than just a simple list of email addresses, it contains information like birthdays, anniversaries & specific customer information like special interests that you can use to automatically engage & satisfy that individual customer. Keeping them satisfied and motivating them to visit you more and spend more.

    Partners In Profit helps you:

    • Set up your campaign with your email provider
    • Design & send your newsletters, offers & promotions
    • Create forms & lists to collect your customer data
    • Manage your customer data, lists & campaigns

    (716) 759-4429 & (772) 675-3149

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  • Social

    Social Marketing

    Using sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ & Pinterest to gain new customers & encourage your current customers to visit you more and spend more. Unlike email, your customers see social sites as entertainment. The more quality content and the more chances for interaction that you provide them, the happier they are. Lots of small, easily digestible posts are perfect for social media. Remember they want to be involved, to feel that personal touch.

    Recipes, pictures, daily specials are welcome content here. Candid pictures of your staff & your facilities. Anything that makes them feel like they belong to “your special group”. You want to generate a sense of belonging and of community with your social “followers”. But the content should always be current, relevant and fresh. Let your customers post positive things about you and your business. They don’t just want to be communicated to, they want to be an active part of the conversation.

    This is the perfect place to enjoy the true benefits of “word of mouth” advertising. Satisfied customers will gladly help you promote yourself to others. Encourage them to visit your social site regularly. Give them reason to visit. Reward them with exclusive offers, entice them to post glowing reviews of your business. And unlike Review & Recommendation sites, you have control over what is and isn’t posted. You can control the conversation & the message.

    Partners In Profit helps you:

    • Increase your number of followers
    • Create Offerings and promotions to entice them
    • Create regular posts that maintain their interest
    • Cross promote your website offerings & E-mails
    • Monitor, interact & control the conversation
    • Make sure the information they need is available
    • Turn interest into profit

    (716) 759-4429 & (772) 675-3149

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  • Review

    Review & Recommendation Sites

    Most popular restaurant review and recommendation sites allow you to claim your basic listings for Free. Chances are you already are listed on the sites, but the information about your restaurant may be incomplete or wrong. You can not afford to pass up this important & valuable free advertising.

    Sounds great doesn’t it? But there is a downside. You have no control over what is said about you. Both the good & the bad remain there no matter what you wish. You need to monitor those listings and respond positively to any negative information. Ideally you need to master spin control & show that you always make every effort to provide the best customer experience you can. Just pretending the reviews are not there won’t help. Even if you don’t monitor and claim those listings, the negative will still be out there. So wouldn’t you rather show the world your desire to create the best possible customer experience for every one?

    Customer surveys reveal that many diners first check the review sites before going to a new restaurant, & a majority do it on their smartphone. Partners In Profit will help you create, correct and maintain your listings to make sure you are getting all the new business you can from the sites. We can also monitor them for you & alert you to check them to see if you want to respond to any reviews posted there.

    (716) 759-4429 & (772) 675-3149

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  • Websites

    Web Design & Updating

    Your website should help your customers & potential customers easily contact you & find out about what you have to offer them. Menus, entertainment, upcoming events, hours, directions, reviews, staff & specials. Pictures of your food and facilities are always excellent content for your website.

    Restaurant owners should ensure that their online information is as accurate as possible. Prices and specials should be current. OpenTable found that 86 percent of diners go online to browse a restaurant’s menu before going to the restaurant.

    Your website should contain reviews. Customer surveys consistently show that diners first check reviews before going to a new restaurant. Partners In Profit will help you gather your reviews & link to reviews found on Social Media & Online Review Sites.

    Your website should be up to date & look good to customers using mobile devices.The largest web search engine, Google, has made changes in how they return search results on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. If your website is not mobile friendly, your business is listed after all the other businesses whose web listings are mobile friendly. Most potential customers only view the first few businesses listed in a search. If your website has not been updated to be mobile friendly, you are missing out on business to your competitors who are mobile friendly.If your website is not Mobile friendly, Partners In Profit will update it to make it mobile friendly.

    Partners In Profit will help:

    • Keep your website content accurate & current
    • Update your website to be mobile friendly
    • Make your website search engine friendly
    • Give your customers the information they want
    • Make all your digital marketing pieces work together

    (716) 759-4429 & (772) 675-3149

    Learn more

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